Optimizing reception for patients and their journey is a key challenge for hospitals which are increasingly interested in reception management. Aware that the patient’s well-being is paramount, the FHP (French Private Hospitalization Federation) has just released a guide on how to properly receive patients: “Small Things For the Patient’s Well-Being“. Several subjects in this booklet match ESII’s healthcare solutions …
Appointment booking

As indicated by the FHP, “appointment booking is the first contact with the facility”. It is the first step of the patient journey, and the patient needs to access and use it easily. Orion online appointment booking solution, meets this issue. The patient books an appointment online and selects the day, time and service of their choice. Once contact details entered, he receives a confirmation and reminder by e-mail / SMS the day before the appointment.

“A colored signage to differentiate services in the facility is to be privileged (…) and also to be used as a visual mark that eases direction”. At ESII, we offer LCD Displays™ for patient calls and dynamic signage. These small screens with elegant design can display the service name, the doctor’s name, the workstation status (open / closed) or the called number. They can be customized with the service or facility colors.
“Properly direct the patients to the service where they will be hospitalized, indicate them their journey (…) by explaining the different reception steps.” The Patient Journey solution developed by ESII meets this issue. You track your patients from when they make the appointment until they are discharged (invoicing included). Issued with a single reception ticket, they are directed to the various services at each stage of their journey.
To efficiently direct the patient, a map can be printed on the ticket.
Waiting period

“Wait is a condition that increases stress: if you inform the patients about the estimated waiting times before they are supported (…) you improve their reception conditions”. ESII’s flow and queue management solutions were designed to optimize visitor reception: information about waiting times (on ticket and/or video screen), call of next visitor, digital signage broadcasted on screens in the waiting area, etc.
With these solutions, waiting times are decreased and patients are more relaxed regarding their hospitalization. Besides, care staff management is optimized and unkept appointments are significantly reduced.
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