Our solutions combine customer service and optimization of your organization and are fully integrated at the core of information systems.
As experts in customer flow management, we offer our customers and partners long-term, well-designed solutions which combine elegance simplicity and efficiency, regardless of their industry.
Because we maintain a constant dialogue with our customers, our R&D department is able to offer innovative products to make “tomorrow better than today”. Moreover, we are the only provider on the market to offer centralized location management (>1000 locations) on a single server.

Our queue management software
ESII’s software help improve customer reception, optimize ressources and analyse the statistics.

our interactive kiosks
We offers a range of interactive kiosks to make easier the customer orientation.
Our industries
Since 40 years, ESII gained experience in all the activity sector. A customer in a store, a patient in an hospital or a tax-payer in a prefecture don’t have the same expectation. Therefore, we offers custom solution to our customer.
Administration : The challenge for the administration is to improve the user journey. With 3,000 sites installed, ESII have an experience internationally recognized.
Retail : The customer journey impact the revenues and the average basket. We offers cross-channel solutions such as click and collect, single line queuing, appointment booking…
Santé : ESII’s solutions improve the patient reception in the healthcare industry: hospital, pharmacy, medical doctor… With innovative solutions, we have the trust of many professionals.
Finance : The agency reception is an important factor of the customer satisfaction in the bank sector. However the size of the agency, we have the good solutions.